That's right, just like any other school we now to have a reporter. It is our own Whisperia Opaque, a.k.a. Discordia Boom. She will track down anyone who in whatever way possible has something to do with "Rock U". So... What do you have to know about her. Well, first of all, fear her. Her and her pen. She will do anything to drag out all she wants you to share with both the students and the staff. Second, love her, for, let's face it, who could ever resist the sweet smile she puts on to get what she needs. Thirt, you better obey her. Yes, that's right, I said obey her. If you don't, she still has that pen, and she won't hassitate writing about you any bit! But most of all, she is one piece of true honesty. She's fair, helpful nad might I add even goodlookin'? So when you stumble over her, be nice. If she wants a word with you, go ahead! If she feels like interviewing you, be honoured, because then you trully are a member of "Rock U". And that in the end is all that matters, isn't it?
Name: Whisperia Opaque, a.k.a. Discordia Boom.
SL Birthday: 5/27/2010.
Jobs: "Rock U" Prof. of Music (DJ),
"Rock U" Front of House (host),
"Rock U" Reporter.
SL status: Just check her profile.
Approachable: Very!
So, in the future she will make sure that all of us get introduced to everyone here on this blog. Her trademark here will be the following picture. When you see it, you know the post is very worth reading.
Enjoy whatever she throws at you, I know she herself enjoys doing it.
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