Yes, time for another mindblowing interview done by our own amazing reporter. This time the victim was the one and only Giggly Guen!

What inspires your weekly themes?

* A lot of things inspire the themes, actually. Sometimes it's a special holiday that occurs during the week. Sometimes it's music related. Other times it's just a flash of "Hmm, we haven't tried this sort of theme yet." I've also had fellow Staff Members give me ideas.

What sort of themes can we expect in the upcoming weeks?

* Well, this week it's "True Colours" which should be an easy one for the Staff to try out. We've already got a special week-long tribute to the Seven Deadly Sins in the works along with a Valentine's/Anti-Valentine's week in February. We like to keep the themes relatively open to interpretation by the DJ's so that each set will be as unique as he or she is.

You're about to be left on an abandoned island forever and you can only have 1 CD, which CD would it be?

* Only one? Hmmmm... probably Queensrÿche's "Promised Land".

When did you become a DJ and why?

* The roots of my love for various types of music go back to before I could even walk. I was a KISS fan at 3 years old, if that gives you any indication. ;-)

As far as actual DJ inspiration it probably started with Mix Tapes I was making as early as 12 years old. In College, I actually had a radio show for 2 and a half years which was fun. More recently I was doing music mixes as a coordinator for an Ecstatic Dance class. Basically the music helps the dance in a wave from slow to fast to slow again. That's been a huge influence on how to do my sets.

As far as becoming an SL DJ, I was hired to DJ at a club after only 2 weeks on the grid. It was a 70's-80's club which was really fun until unfortunately it closed about 3 months later. Met some friends there whom I'm still friends with now, so it was worth it. Since that very first gig, I've always been DJing -somewhere- on SL. Giving up DJing would be like having both my arms amputated. It's become a huge part of who I am.

What sort of music do you refuse to play?

* If I can avoid it I don't like to play Country, Gangsta Rap, Musak, or Polka. But that's always negotiable for a laugh.

What was the funnest request you ever got?

* Definitely the time I had someone ask for Tom Tom Club's "Genius of Love". He couldn't remember the title or the group. He actually recorded himself humming the song, uploaded it to his MySpace page and then sent me a link to the recording. After a couple seconds of his beautiful voice I knew which song he wanted. ;-)

Name: Guenevere DeCuir
Rock U Roll: - Do that what both of the owners forget,
- or just don't think about.
- Post the weekly themes
- Handle all about the schedule
SL birthdate: 3/27/2007
Trademark: The most amazing giggle ever!
Other info: She also makes jewelry and tattoos,
check out her skills here:


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