Yes, time for another mindblowing interview done by our own amazing reporter. This time the victim was the one and only Giggly Guen!

What inspires your weekly themes?

* A lot of things inspire the themes, actually. Sometimes it's a special holiday that occurs during the week. Sometimes it's music related. Other times it's just a flash of "Hmm, we haven't tried this sort of theme yet." I've also had fellow Staff Members give me ideas.

What sort of themes can we expect in the upcoming weeks?

* Well, this week it's "True Colours" which should be an easy one for the Staff to try out. We've already got a special week-long tribute to the Seven Deadly Sins in the works along with a Valentine's/Anti-Valentine's week in February. We like to keep the themes relatively open to interpretation by the DJ's so that each set will be as unique as he or she is.

You're about to be left on an abandoned island forever and you can only have 1 CD, which CD would it be?

* Only one? Hmmmm... probably Queensrÿche's "Promised Land".

When did you become a DJ and why?

* The roots of my love for various types of music go back to before I could even walk. I was a KISS fan at 3 years old, if that gives you any indication. ;-)

As far as actual DJ inspiration it probably started with Mix Tapes I was making as early as 12 years old. In College, I actually had a radio show for 2 and a half years which was fun. More recently I was doing music mixes as a coordinator for an Ecstatic Dance class. Basically the music helps the dance in a wave from slow to fast to slow again. That's been a huge influence on how to do my sets.

As far as becoming an SL DJ, I was hired to DJ at a club after only 2 weeks on the grid. It was a 70's-80's club which was really fun until unfortunately it closed about 3 months later. Met some friends there whom I'm still friends with now, so it was worth it. Since that very first gig, I've always been DJing -somewhere- on SL. Giving up DJing would be like having both my arms amputated. It's become a huge part of who I am.

What sort of music do you refuse to play?

* If I can avoid it I don't like to play Country, Gangsta Rap, Musak, or Polka. But that's always negotiable for a laugh.

What was the funnest request you ever got?

* Definitely the time I had someone ask for Tom Tom Club's "Genius of Love". He couldn't remember the title or the group. He actually recorded himself humming the song, uploaded it to his MySpace page and then sent me a link to the recording. After a couple seconds of his beautiful voice I knew which song he wanted. ;-)

Name: Guenevere DeCuir
Rock U Roll: - Do that what both of the owners forget,
- or just don't think about.
- Post the weekly themes
- Handle all about the schedule
SL birthdate: 3/27/2007
Trademark: The most amazing giggle ever!
Other info: She also makes jewelry and tattoos,
check out her skills here:

DJ Battle Royale!


It's that time again!

Come on down to Rock U on January 29th from 12-4pm SLT and watch as 5 DJs go head to head and back to back in a spiral of kickass music.

Each DJ will be challenged to the extreme as far as musical themes and creativity as they switch off every few songs for 4 hours. Each hour will also feature a contest where patrons can dress in-theme and win some prizes courtesy of the Club. You can even test your geeky trivia as a Trivia Ball will also be on hand and show if we really do know the capital of Bolivia (which is Tiwanaku, btw). ;-)

See you there!

Our reporter strikes again....


This week I pointed my sharp pen towards the one and only, The Freak Magnet. Co-owner of Rock U, previously owned Freakheim Funeral Home, and father to many adopted children with his wife Kaedy Ferraris.
The Freak Magnet...How did that become your moniker?
I've always been a fan of the strange and bizarre, and seem to attract people from the fringes of society...the artists, musicians, people who follow their own path. We are kindred souls, eschewing the mainstream for the truly beautiful path of individuality. One of my relatives who had met my friends referred to me as "some kind of freak magnet" and I adopted that as my stage name.
As a man all about the music, how did the music transform you into the person you are?
My earliest memories are of music, and I grew up surrounded by a wide variety of excellent music. Music is a universal language, and more powerful than any chemical. Playing music was the only way to express my feelings.
How long have you been a dj?
Julius Caesar hired me for a bacchanalia. Seriously though, I've been spinning tunes for my friends for 40 years, and have done RL stints on FM, AM, parties & clubs. Been DJing in SL since 2007.
Say aliens were invading the earth plotting to take over, what song would you play to drive them back out?
Skid Row-Get The Fuck Out
What was your most favorite themed set?
My Rockergrrrlzzz set where I showcase the awesome ladies of Rock Punk & Metal.
The first time you dj'd ever, what was running threw your mind? Holy shit, this mic is a piece of crap!
How do you feel about today's music? Do you feel the quality has decreased in the last 5 years?
The quality of what commercial radio stations play has definitely declined. Absolute vomit for the most part. On the other hand, bands today are creating the best music I've ever heard! Terrestrial radio is enslaved to the dying major record labels, but web radio is free to play whatever we want to...and we do! So many awesome sounds everywhere I turn, and the general public knows nothing of them.
What goal do you hope to accomplish as a dj?
To educate folks about all the excellent music that is out there, available for them to hear, if they only look for it. I want folks to toss their radios out and search for the killer music that lurks in the vastness of the 'net. I spend many hours a week searching for the best music in the galaxy to play for the listeners of Rock U.
This has been another Rock U interview with Discordia Boom.

Steampunk Mayhem for Sunday!


Come on down in your best Steampunk outfits Sunday, January 22nd from 2-4pm SLT as we will be celebrating the allure and awesomeness that makes the genre so popular today.

Led by DJ Amelie Silverweb, there will be lots of awesome music (and her singing) along with a $350L Prize for the best Steampunk outfit!

Don't miss it!

Event: Time to Time Warp Again!

Time to get truly Transylvanian and prepare to do that Pelvic Thrust that makes you go insaaaane!

Come on down for a Rocky Horror Tribute from 2-4pm SLT with DJ Rhyanna Saphir!

It's bound to be Creeptastic and costumes (just like the real thing) are encouraged!

Extra Credit Education

Want to learn how Metal & Hard Rock has changed over the past few decades? Then grab your DVR and be sure to record this show on VH1 Classic, Metal Evolution.

It's an 11 part series where Sam Dunn goes through the various stages of Metal... all the way from its roots & influences through no less than 24 different sub-genres that have (so far) been classified in it.

Don't have cable or VH1 Classic in your cable listings? That's okay, you can watch the shows on VH1's website too.

It's certainly been educational for me, so far, as I'm sure it will be for you all as well. :-)

Thanx, Rhyanna, for the ultra rockin' heads up for this show! \m/

The School Journal, Part 1.


Ozark Hax interview with Discordia Boom.

Ozark Hax, DJ and co-owner of Rock U University comes from the Netherlands and has been rocking us for several years. He's known for his insanity, humor and awesome music.

Why did you become a DJ?

Ozark: That's a funny story. I was at Sanctuary rock , only a few weeks old, got to know a nice DJ. I requested some and he decided to challenge me to DJ myself. So two weeks later I had my try out and was hired straight away.

What kind of music do you play?

Ozark: I play everything that rocks, or that for some strange reason gets to me. I love to hunt for those amazing tunes no one ever heard before.

What was the biggest challenge as a DJ you had to deal with.

Ozark: Hmm, biggest challenge... That would be back to the Freakheim days , thoses days I had Kaedy hosting with me.

Discordia: What happened?

Ozark: We did them way over the top events. Fun themes, I dedicated to them, Kaedy decorated the place totally over the top. At our buccaneers event she placed an entire pirate ship in the club.

What was your most fun DJ experience?

Ozark: The most fun ones were 2 actually. One week we did a Kings & Queens event, week after that we changed just a tiny bit of it and it went for Kinks and Queers event.  Or a true naked event at Freakheim, where nudity was not allowed, only acoustic tunes.

What were your favorite places to work at?

Ozark: I only DJ'd at places I loved so, Sanctuary, especially in the old days Freakheim and ofcourse Rock U.

If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

Ozark: We here in Holland have Sesame Street too, in it they have trees looking like brocoli, those are fun.

What advice would you offer new DJ's about the work?

Ozark: Have fun, and don't be afraid to fail at some point. Don't try to be what you think people want you to be, force them to get to know you in a nice way, of course.

And that concludes the interview with Rock U's Ozark Hax.

Name:                          Ozark Hax
SL birthday:                 2/6/2007
Jobs:                             Co-owner of "Rock U", together with Rykk Ferraris.
General mood:             Insane
Goals in life:                Insanity to rule the pixel world!

Yes! We Now Have Us A School Reporter!

That's right, just like any other school we now to have a reporter. It is our own Whisperia Opaque, a.k.a. Discordia Boom. She will track down anyone who in whatever way possible has something to do with "Rock U". So... What do you have to know about her. Well, first of all, fear her. Her and her pen. She will do anything to drag out all she wants you to share with both the students and the staff. Second, love her, for, let's face it, who could ever resist the sweet smile she puts on to get what she needs. Thirt, you better obey her. Yes, that's right, I said obey her. If you don't, she still has that pen, and she won't hassitate writing about you any bit! But most of all, she is one piece of true honesty. She's fair, helpful nad might I add even goodlookin'? So when you stumble over her, be nice. If she wants a word with you, go ahead! If she feels like interviewing you, be honoured, because then you trully are a member of "Rock U". And that in the end is all that matters, isn't it?

Name:                   Whisperia Opaque, a.k.a. Discordia Boom.
SL Birthday:         5/27/2010.
Jobs:                     "Rock U" Prof. of Music (DJ),
                             "Rock U" Front of House (host),
                             "Rock U" Reporter.
SL status:             Just check her profile.
Approachable:     Very!

So, in the future she will make sure that all of us get introduced to everyone here on this blog. Her trademark here will be the following picture. When you see it, you know the post is very worth reading.

Enjoy whatever she throws at you, I know she herself enjoys doing it.

Smoothies... Black Metal Style


Don't forget to headbang with your smoothie and crazy straw \m/

A Movie Made Just for Us!

Bless you, Adam Shankman. You understand what we loved about Rock n' Roll in the 80's.

Even Tom Cruise looks (less) psycho in this. Can live without Russell Brand, tho. Still... totally worth checking out on June 1st!

What's this Weekly Theme Thing?

If you either peruse the right side or come by the club and see a weird looking stand near the front, you'll no doubt notice something about a Weekly Theme.

So what's the dealio with that?

Basically... each week a special Theme is picked for the DJs to base their music around for their sets. The themes are left fairly open to interpretation, and it's just fun to see what each DJ can come up with.

This is not mandatory for each DJ to do, but it's certainly awesome when they do!

We'll also be adding special events for some DJs each week or month, so stay tuned!